Vlasovia 2024: Seventh International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation

January 29th - February 1st, 2024

Department of Physics & Astronomy

University of Florence, Arcetri (Florence), Italy

The fee for the conference is 200 Euros and it includes coffee breaks and lunches. The fee does not include the social dinner for which an additional contribution will be asked directly on-site

A financial support consisting in the free registration fees will be available for a selected number of PhD students and young researchers: For the application simply send an e-mail to the organizing committee after you have made the registration including a brief cv and the motivation for your request

You will be redirected to a secure payment site hosted by Regione Toscana using the link below. Follow the instruction in the pdf (link below) to correctly fill the form

On line payment site

Instruction for the on-line payment (pdf)